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Models pose nak£d in New York's Times Square to promote body positivity

As part of an art project called "Body Notes", about 200 participants converged on New York's Times Square where they posed naked with only body paint to hide their modesty.

According to organisers of the event, Human Connection Arts, the stunt is intended to "promote positivity and acceptance".

Street artist Andy Golub said:

"People are expressing themselves with their bodies and they're also expressing themselves with their words. "
"So it's an opportunity for them to sort of share who they are and with no shame and with comfort and then on the same token for others to accept them.
"So it's something that on one level it seems like sort of like a fun silly thing, people are naked, colours, but on the other level it actually impacts people in a very deep way."
"Why is the naked body so important?"
"Like why is it such a problem?
"Like you know, it's like amazing the idea of showing ourselves has so much anxiety and so much judgment.
"And meanwhile that's the most essential core of who we are as people."
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