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Police men Beat 2 guys to stupor in Nnewi cos they had no driver's License and refused to give them bribe of 1k

 According to a Facebook user by the name Onyebuchi Prosper who witnessed the brutality was also a victim, but he settled them with 1500 naira and the other guys who didn't have money to bribe the officers was battered, which is very bad, cos they are not thieves this guys are supposed to protect us not the other way round
read what the facebook user wrote on his timeline below

on 25/04/2017 i was on my way to ukpo to see my friend as i just arrived nigeria from uk few days earlier unfortunately i met the police people from cps nnewi at traffic light where they are stoping people with motorcycle asking them for driving licence of which i was a victim to them i was asked to pay #2500 and i pleaded with them and they collected #1000 ofcourse that was the minimum amount they were collecting as the price ranges from #1,000 to #3,000 ‘ depending your negotiation with them then at a time they stopped one guy as shown on this video they asked him of driving the guy told them he doesn't have they told the guy your money #5,000 they asked why? immediately they asked the to come down at a sudden they started beaten the guy 

and also they call people from cps they came immediately with their staffs started beating the boy till blood flow and his cloth was torn into pieces i decided to share this video bcos the guy did nothing pls im asking the officer in charge the cps police station nnewi and the commisioner of police anambra state to look into the matter how the people who are meant secure the citizens are treating them like slaves just because they are armed leaving poor masses helpless the authority should educate the police on the dos and dont on the citizens this envent happened at traffic light junction nnewi . please share till it gets to the appreciate authority thanks.|