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Nanny caught slapping baby after parents install CCTV camera when they notice bruise on baby's body

A sick nanny was caught slapping a baby after the child's parents got suspicious and decided to install hidden cameras. The parents started to notice bruises on their child's body and decided to take measures and they were shocked by what they saw.

The parents,  37-year-old businessman, whose name is abbreviated to S.E., and his wife M.T.E, employed Nadia Shapoval, 54, to take care of their infant at a home in Istanbul, Turkey. Soon after her employment, the parents would often see bruises on their child's body so to find out the truth for themselves, they hid cameras around their home.

They were shocked when they later watched the footage after the nanny had been fired, to discover that she had been physically abusing their baby.

One particularly troubling footage shows Nadia shoving the child roughly into a high chair before brutally slapping the toddler across the face. Nadia had been fired before the parents watched the footage and her whereabouts were unknown so they filed a police complaint and a search for the erring nanny began.

A neighbour told the father that Nadia sometimes spoke of a friend in Marmaris in south-western Turkey. He drove there and with the help of local police, Nadia was found walking alone in the city’s Tepe quarter. As soon as she saw her former employer she broke down in tears.

She was taken to Sehit Nedip Eker Police Station but refused to talk to police officers. She is believed to be in custody and will come before a court in due course.

See the video below. 

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