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A 1000% LAFF FUNNY JOKE: Junior and Daddy


DADDY : Hey junior, I know I
beat you a lot, but it's because you are very naughty. Do you ever feel
bad when I beat you cos I don't normally see it in
your actions afterwards.
SON : Dad I feel bad all of the time
DADDY : Sorry boy, But don't you feel like getting back
at me to make you feel better.
SON : I do dad,
DADDY : Well sulking about, isn't the way to go about
it, is it?
SON : Ahhh, Dad I've got my ways. All I do is go and wash the toilet and I feel better immediately.
DADDY : Ha ha ha ha, And how does that make you
feel better?
SON : I always use your toothbrush, and I put it
back immediately. Ha ha ha ha!!
Junior has been admitted in Lagos General Hospital Now.